Friday, May 6, 2011

Something Pretty, Something Smart

How is it Friday already??
I'm stunned. And also happy. Friday nights are Family Nights here at the ranch, and I have some tricks up my sleeve... 

So, without any more ado, here's this week's picks, because every week should contain:

Something Pretty,
Something Smart,
Something to Do,
and A bit of Art.
... and maybe one or two things Just for Fun. 

Something Pretty:

## i really love paintings done over text. something about the dual forms of art coexisting so beautifully.... 
and these ones from Coco de Paris are a perfect example of how that's done. 

Something Smart:

## watch this wowwing video of the milky way.

The Mountain from Terje Sorgjerd on Vimeo.

## Check this post from Black Eiffel for inspiration to read more classics. (and then spend some time walking through the rest of the blog.. its tip top) love the visuals.

Something to Do:

## loving these DIY Rope Bracelets from Honestly WTF, via Poppytalk. Aren't they the nifty-est! 

## and could someone please bring me one of these Five Minute Chocolate Mug Cakes... pleeeeeaaaaseeee!!??

can that be for real? five minutes? ... seems too good to be true.

A Bit of Art:

## Hop over and read this super-cute and sweet Book called Extraordinary by Sarah Mensinga

## and how about this art made out of STAPLES!! Yes, thank you. 


Just for Fun: 

## i'm not sure if i should thank my friend Tina, or shoot her for sending me here. Awkward family photos. i'm not even remotely kidding when i confess to you that i spent way too many minutes convulsed with laughter ... i nearly gave myself a concussion, when - in one badly timed convulsion - i hit my head on the corner of the desk... you might want to consider grabbing a helmet before you open the link... don't say i didn't warn you. 

you know you just real-life laughed. :)

Frolicking Ferrets,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love, Love, LOVE the amazing video!

The staple art is awesome too!

Have you been to People of Walmart? Equally laugh inducing.